Darla and myself wish you and your families a safe and enjoyable Memorial Day ! Memorial Day reminds us that freedom is never free; it is always under attack and comes with great sacrifice. Let us not forget those who are serving and those who have served our great nation in times of peace and conflict.

Photo courtesy of Ivie I. Imoisili
For each generation,many answer the clarion call for freedom.As we go our way to the numerous holiday activities let us not forget.It is not the BBQ that makes this a special day,it is the sacrifice of those soldiers who have served that makes this a hallowed day.
It is from Valley Forge to Afghanistan and Iraq ,patriots have trodden the blood stained fields for our rights that we often take for granted.My generation has went from the days in which our soldiers were outcasts in a society that did not want them to heroes we welcome back from war at DFW airport.
We as Americans,Democratic or Republican must put aside alparty labels today and focus on the label that matters most:American.The Taliban does not require a litmus test on conservatism,Al Qaeda does not care whether you are a Republican or Democrat.

Photo courtesy of Ivie I. Imoisili
Our troops suffer the daily inconveniences of war,for a luxury that is not small.
The luxury of freedom.The tree of freedom is watered by the blood of patriots and for this I am thankful that we have our soldiers who have given and paid the ultimate sacrifice for us to have American comforts.

Photo courtesy of Ivie I. Imoisili
From a military family,I remember the days watching my father go off to war in the Dominican Republic in the Viet Nam era.
My mother and myself prayed for his return.For all those who have served and those who are continuing to serve.The prayer I had for my father when I was eight years old,I say again for you ...
Dear God,Help them come home .
Because we need them here,but since they are over there.Be there with them.Walk with them,talk with them,so that we may one day,walk and talk again as a family. God Bless you and your families. Amen.
original score by Phaze
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