There are some things in life that should be a natural.They are just as simple as the day is long. Simple things - July days are hot in Texas!America needs prayer today and everyday!America has observed a day of prayer since President Harry Truman signed the law in 1952.Today is possibly the last day of that the National Day of Prayer will be recognized in America.
United States District Court Judge Barbara Crabb ruled in a decision on April 15, 2010 that the Freedom From Religion Foundation was correct and the National Day of Prayer violated the First Amendment. It wouldn't be the first time a court made a wrong decision.The separation of church and state is about having an organized state religion not saying a prayer.First it was the taking of prayer out of school ,and then our kids went wild. Second it was taking Christ out of Christmas thereby turning Christmas into a Winter Holiday.Now these misguided folks want to take prayer from us.
May God continue to bless our country as we shall always remember that He is first.What if these misguided folks won a court case on that day when President Franklin Roosevelt beseeched God for his mercies and blessings.We can not forget God ,for it is through He,that our blessings and our liberties are guaranteed.
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