Happy 4th of July to all citizens of this great country !
As we take time to enjoy the numerous parades,bar b ques ,and social gatherings.Let us take time to remember what makes America truly great.It is not whether we are Democrat or Republican.Black or white.It is the American Ideal.An ideal that says all Americans regardless of station in life can rise above their birth to heights never dreamed before.
I am the descendents of slaves brought to the countryside of Virginia in the 1800's.
They witnessed the true rebirth of a new nation at Appomattox CourtHouse.They walked the surrendering grounds of Confederate soldiers as they laid down their arms. They were not viewed as citizens but they kept the faith and found Glory.
They kept the faith and strove to bettter themselves.One hundred years after the Emancipation Proclamation my family as represented by my mother participated in the March on Washington with Dr.Martin Luther King.Freedom is a word often used and seldom achieved.
So let us now move forward,to a greater America.America that rises above petty partisian politics and fruitless demagoguery.
Happy 4th of July and God Bless America.
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