Happy Labor Day ! As we go to the various picnics of the last weekend of this 2010 Summer,let's pause for a moment and reflect on American Labor. As a former elected labor leader,I served as a Chief Steward for Communications Workers of America Local 6215 this is an important day for me.
This day is solemn because the Labor movement has lost hundreds of brothers and sisters for the sake of protecting not only its memberships but that of all American workers.Those truths that we take as standards in the work place came off the backs of American labor.This day is joyous because we celebrate their victories.
The victories are taken for granted as if they always existed. A litany of policies and rules were made because of the existence of organized Labor.The 8 Hour Day and the 5 Day work week are examples of what Labor has brought to the American workers. American Labor has changed throughout the years ,but one thing is constant the brothers and sisters of the movement have paid their dues for all Americans.
As the summer winds down to a marathon finish,let us take time to focus on what the city is doing.In the Westchester community, there is a movement to address the gas drilling permits in our community.The community has been mobilized and is seeking a moratorium on the gas drilling.
I am personally against gas drilling in urban areas.The problem is that the area of Westchester is considered rural in some areas.In fact the post office considers the delivery of some areas of Westchester to be still rural.
The focus of the anti drilling is the structural integrity of the neighborhoods. Fear of earthquakes and a environmental concerns is the focus of the anti drilling citizens.The Gasland video is playing a prominent part in fueling anti drilling in Westchester.The following is the trailer for the movie.If interested hit the link for other Gasland you tube clips.
On the other side of the issue is the property rights of those who favor gas drilling.They have rights as well.No matter the outcome nobody will be satisfied. My hope is that the city proposes more stringent codification to address the concerns of the community. More to come at a later date.
Happy 4th of July to all citizens of this great country ! As we take time to enjoy the numerous parades,bar b ques ,and social gatherings.Let us take time to remember what makes America truly great.It is not whether we are Democrat or Republican.Black or white.It is the American Ideal.An ideal that says all Americans regardless of station in life can rise above their birth to heights never dreamed before.
I am the descendents of slaves brought to the countryside of Virginia in the 1800's. They witnessed the true rebirth of a new nation at Appomattox CourtHouse.They walked the surrendering grounds of Confederate soldiers as they laid down their arms. They were not viewed as citizens but they kept the faith and found Glory.
They kept the faith and strove to bettter themselves.One hundred years after the Emancipation Proclamation my family as represented by my mother participated in the March on Washington with Dr.Martin Luther King.Freedom is a word often used and seldom achieved.
So let us now move forward,to a greater America.America that rises above petty partisian politics and fruitless demagoguery. Happy 4th of July and God Bless America.
Darla and myself wish you and your families a safe and enjoyable Memorial Day ! Memorial Day reminds us that freedom is never free; it is always under attack and comes with great sacrifice. Let us not forget those who are serving and those who have served our great nation in times of peace and conflict.
Photo courtesy of Ivie I. Imoisili For each generation,many answer the clarion call for freedom.As we go our way to the numerous holiday activities let us not forget.It is not the BBQ that makes this a special day,it is the sacrifice of those soldiers who have served that makes this a hallowed day.
It is from Valley Forge to Afghanistan and Iraq ,patriots have trodden the blood stained fields for our rights that we often take for granted.My generation has went from the days in which our soldiers were outcasts in a society that did not want them to heroes we welcome back from war at DFW airport.
We as Americans,Democratic or Republican must put aside alparty labels today and focus on the label that matters most:American.The Taliban does not require a litmus test on conservatism,Al Qaeda does not care whether you are a Republican or Democrat. Photo courtesy of Ivie I. Imoisili Our troops suffer the daily inconveniences of war,for a luxury that is not small. The luxury of freedom.The tree of freedom is watered by the blood of patriots and for this I am thankful that we have our soldiers who have given and paid the ultimate sacrifice for us to have American comforts. Photo courtesy of Ivie I. Imoisili From a military family,I remember the days watching my father go off to war in the Dominican Republic in the Viet Nam era. My mother and myself prayed for his return.For all those who have served and those who are continuing to serve.The prayer I had for my father when I was eight years old,I say again for you ... Dear God,Help them come home . Because we need them here,but since they are over there.Be there with them.Walk with them,talk with them,so that we may one day,walk and talk again as a family. God Bless you and your families. Amen.
There are some things in life that should be a natural.They are just as simple as the day is long. Simple things - July days are hot in Texas!America needs prayer today and everyday!America has observed a day of prayer since President Harry Truman signed the law in 1952.Today is possibly the last day of that the National Day of Prayer will be recognized in America.
United States District Court Judge Barbara Crabb ruled in a decision on April 15, 2010 that the Freedom From Religion Foundation was correct and the National Day of Prayer violated the First Amendment. It wouldn't be the first time a court made a wrong decision.The separation of church and state is about having an organized state religion not saying a prayer.First it was the taking of prayer out of school ,and then our kids went wild. Second it was taking Christ out of Christmas thereby turning Christmas into a Winter Holiday.Now these misguided folks want to take prayer from us.
May God continue to bless our country as we shall always remember that He is first.What if these misguided folks won a court case on that day when President Franklin Roosevelt beseeched God for his mercies and blessings.We can not forget God ,for it is through He,that our blessings and our liberties are guaranteed.
I have been receiving phone calls lately asking for me to run for mayor. The deadline is March 8,2010 at City Hall to place your name on the ballot.Though I am deeply honored by the numerous phone calls,and pledges of support I will not be a candidate for Mayor at this time.
My focus in the past several months was the District 6 projected open seat. As you know the projection did not occur for the spring 2010 election cycle.I will continue to keep my campaign staff and the infrastructure active to proceed with a campaign when the opening occurs.Thank you and God Bless you all.
Friends , I have spent much of my political career working for our community. I will periodically report on community issues and the status of our common interests. The expected campaign for Grand Prairie District 6 Council will not take place this year.The mayor will be running for re-election therefore there will be no political seat open this election cycle. Our campaign will remains vitalized and prepared to run for any future elections in the upcoming year based on the will of the people.I thank you on behalf of the campaign, as we move forward.