Recently at a campaign event several friends offered their assessment on what a Ed Gray candidacy could bring to Grand Prairie. In the first of several video endorsements I offer for your consideration these two distinguished gentleman.
Terry Brooks is the past president of the Grand Prairie School District .I have known Terry for several years from my involvement in Grand Prairie Independent School District affairs.I have worked with him on several bond campaigns as we moved Grand Prairie forward. My most recent involvement with our schools includes my membership on the Grand Prairie Education Foundation .
Michael L. Williams ,our Texas Railroad Commissioner offers the other endorsement.I have known Michael for several years dating back to our involvement in the Arlington Independent School District.As the months go there will be other endorsements and opportunities.I want to thank those people who have volunteered to bring quality,dedicated,leadership,to Grand Prairie.
Please contact our staff @
Ed Gray Campaign P.O. Box 543321
Grand Prairie Texas 75054-3321
Hey Ed....the video endorsement of Brooks and Williams was great! I think this type of promotion and recognization from these two will speak volume in Grand Prairie politics. Congrats in getting started right away.
Ed Gray, very nice media blitz and you already know that you have my full support (i.e. financial, contacts and volunteerism) on your candidacy for City Council of Grand Prairie. The City of Grand Prairie could use an "Ed Gray" someone who is serious aobuthis service at what ever you do. Your time on the council could help this city finally move into the 21st Century.
My best!
Byron K. Reed
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