Recently at a campaign event several friends offered their assessment on what a Ed Gray candidacy could bring to Grand Prairie. In the first of several video endorsements I offer for your consideration these two distinguished gentleman. Terry Brooks is the past president of the Grand Prairie School District .I have known Terry for several years from my involvement in Grand Prairie Independent School District affairs.I have worked with him on several bond campaigns as we moved Grand Prairie forward. My most recent involvement with our schools includes my membership on the Grand Prairie Education Foundation . Michael L. Williams ,our Texas Railroad Commissioner offers the other endorsement.I have known Michael for several years dating back to our involvement in the Arlington Independent School District.As the months go there will be other endorsements and opportunities.I want to thank those people who have volunteered to bring quality,dedicated,leadership,to Grand Prairie. Please contact our staff @ Ed Gray Campaign P.O. Box 543321 Grand Prairie Texas 75054-3321
My recent Labor Day Fish Fry was a complete a success. I recently asked several of my friends if they had any interest in sharing their Labor Day with me,and guess what? Over 150 people showed up to share their day with my family.It was a complete surprise to my wife .Thanks to Fish and Grill for catering the event.As I introduce myself to Grand Prairie for consideration for public office,I am humbled by their choice of me as a prospective candidate. The Fish Fry had several local politicians in attendance,Justice of the Peace Michael Petty,County Clerk John Warren,Judge Gracie Lewis, GPISD School Board Trustee Terry Brooks,DeSoto ISD School Board Trustee Warren Seay,and Texas Railroad Commissioner Michael Williams. As we move forward to Decision 2010 we will be letting you know of any future plans.Stay tuned "Its time to make a Greater Grand Prairie" !
For years I have been involved in Public service it has been a lifelong pursuit to improve my community. My roots in public service began with my mother,Gerry Gray who marched with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. My mother did this in 1963 at the March On Washington. It is with this background that I have pursued community service on various boards and commissions in the three cities that I have called my hometowns,Dallas, Arlington and Grand Prairie. I am looking forward to continuing public service in the future,and it with this in mind that I have engaged in a public listening tour to hear the concerns of the citizens of Grand Prairie. Thank you for your patience and indulgences as this blog goes to the heart of Grand Prairie-its people.
I have had some requests from some of readers to post other entertainers who have performed at Nokia in Grand Prairie,Texas.One of the best concerts of 2008 was the Jamie Foxx concert. Mr.Foxx is originally from Texas,where he was formerly known as the star quarterback for Terrell, Texas High School.It was there that he set records as the first quarterback for pass more than 1000 yards in a season. Foxx ,raised by his maternal grandmother developed his singing credentials while singing in the church choir.The early 1990's saw Foxx starring in the comedy series "Living Color".Jamie gained attention and notoriety while being one of the promising comedians of that era.After the completion of the series he starred in the "Jamie Foxx Show" where his music was sometimes featured. Jamie is best known as a comedian but now his talents now include serious accolades as a Academy Award winner for his portrayal Of Ray Charles in "Ray".Take a look at the comedic genius and singing talent of Jamie Foxx as he makes us all laugh at the Comedy Corner. Jamie Foxx Meets Tupac Shakur
American Idol singer,and Oscar Award winner Jennifer Hudson will appear in Grand Prairie next week.She will be appearing @ Nokia Live ,the center of the metroplex with Robin Thicke.In honor of the upcoming concert,we bring you the Jennifer Holliday collection. As they say down in Texas,"this girl can sho nuff sang."
Washington DC is not Dallas. For one thing most people here are fans of the Washington Redskins, already I see some issues there. The other thing that I see different is the temperature. The temperature in my car registered zero degrees on Saturday. In a word its too cold. The temperature for Tuesday, is supposed to be " breezy" another word for cold. The people here in DC are friendly. It is a spirit here that transcends anything that I have ever seen. Most people feel like they are a making history not just witnessing history. This is truly an American historical event. On this inaugural weekend, I have seen old and young, people of all colors, and of both political parties. Democrats and Republicans alike are united in the celebration of the triumph of American democracy. The crowds have been crowded but not as much as they will be tomorrow. So today, my family walked around the Capitol and checked out where we will be seated for the swearing in. In picking up the inaugural tickets from Senator Kay Bailey Hutchinson's office, I saw people waiting 3 city blocks long for their inauguration tickets. No Crowds at McCain Office While there were crowds everywhere in DC, there were no crowds in Senator John McCain's office. Three aides watched as streams of Capitol visitors headed to pick up their inauguration tickets from their senatorial colleagues. As the aides to McCain passed out inauguration tickets, I wonder what is going through their minds. Change can happen. Speaking of change, you need to bring some pocket change. You can buy many of the items that are for sale. Anything with the likeness of Obama is being sold as quick as they pull it out. See the Obama items for sale:
Its Obama mania, 25 hours a day. Somehow they have found an extra hour. Within that extra hour you can attend one of the many parties here in DC or buy Obama mania. One of the radio station's has changed their call name to ObamaFM. You can listen to Obama music on the ObamaFM radio station. So much for now, I have to stand in line to buy metro rail passes. The city is on locked down for the next 24 hours. The bridges into DC will close down this evening and the only way to enter into DC will be by rail. More Obama inaugural posts and lines to follow.