My recent Labor Day Fish Fry was a complete a success. I recently asked several of my friends if they had any interest in sharing their Labor Day with me,and guess what? Over 150 people showed up to share their day with my family.It was a complete surprise to my wife .Thanks to Fish and Grill for catering the event.As I introduce myself to Grand Prairie for consideration for public office,I am humbled by their choice of me as a prospective candidate.
The Fish Fry had several local politicians in attendance,Justice of the Peace Michael Petty,County Clerk John Warren,Judge Gracie Lewis, GPISD School Board Trustee Terry Brooks,DeSoto ISD School Board Trustee Warren Seay,and Texas Railroad Commissioner Michael Williams.
As we move forward to Decision 2010 we will be letting you know of any future plans.Stay tuned "Its time to make a Greater Grand Prairie" !